Blue Ridge Music Trails Guidebook
Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina: A Guide to Music Sites, Artists, and Traditions of the Mountains and Foothills by Fred Fussell with Steve Kruger. Second edition, revised and updated.
An essential traveling companion and great souvenir. Purchase ($22 plus tax and shipping) from our online store.
Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina is a 304-page guidebook containing more than 150 color photos, seven maps, and a wealth of information about the people and places that make North Carolina’s mountain music and dance heritage so special. Accompanying the guidebook is a CD of 26 musical selections by the artists, modern and historic, profiled on this site and in the book. Blue Ridge Music Trails of North Carolina is also available as an enhanced ebook.
The guidebook is a joint project of the North Carolina Arts Council and the Blue Ridge National Heritage Area Partnership, published by the University of North Carolina Press. The guidebook represents years of research by author Fred Fussell.
An earlier edition, Blue Ridge Music Trails: Finding a Place in the Circle, received the 2004 Preserve America Presidential Award for Heritage Tourism. The 2018 edition is expanded and fully updated, with new photography as well as information about new venues and events that you’ll want to check out when you visit North Carolina’s Blue Ridge mountains and foothills.